Welcome to the Emerald Ash Borer Information Network

About EAB
The emerald ash borer and why it's a threat to ash trees worldwide.

EAB -- Adults, larvae and look-alikes --- Ash Trees -- Ash identification, signs of EAB infestation

If You Find EAB
Where it is a particular state, contact resources in each state, regulations in each state, etc.)

EAB-Infested Trees
Managing and controlling EAB and utilizing dead ash trees.

EAB University
Where the experts share their knowledge and research about EAB and other topics related to other forest pests, diseases and management.

Other Invasive Pests & Diseases to Watch
Spotted Lanternfly, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, & others.

Black Ash: A Foundational Wetland and Cultural Keystone Species
Learn about black ash ecology and the cultural signifigance of the species.

Biological control is a process by which predators, parasitoids, or pathogens reduce insect pest populations.